For our annual birthday hike we once again went to Fall Creek Mountain. 7500′ on the map. Six of us this year. Continue reading “Fall Creek Mountain Hike/Climb 2019”
Tag: Fall Creek mtn
Fall Creek Mountain Hike September 2018
This year’s “birthday hike” also referred to as the Fall Creek Mountain hike was on 9/15/2018, a windy fallish Saturday. Weather was clear but cool so no swimming this time. Continue reading “Fall Creek Mountain Hike September 2018”
Fall Creek Mountain Annual Birthday Climb 2016 and History
This year on Sept 11th we did our annual Fall Creek Mountain climb. Stephen Bannister, Kate and I started this tradition in 2010 and have had various friends join us over the years. Actually, I went up to the peak for the first time on June 4, 1999 with my dog Stanley and between then and 2010 have climbed there several times. Kate and I climbed there with Ben and Biggs in 2006 and 2007. This year I decided to make a video of the climb with very few photos. This year three of us are in our 70s and three in their 60s. It was so easy this year. Amazing.
Following this 2016 video and photos is the group shots by year since I first went there.
Photos from 1999 (below). I went from the top of Fall Creek Mtn, then to the top of the ridge between Culbertson Lake and Penner Lake and shot photos to the opposite side
2006(below) Kate, me, Ben and Biggs
2010(below) (first “birthday hike”)

2013(below) – just me, Stephen and Janelle in snow!
2016 (below)
2017 (below)
2018 (below)
Fall Creek Mountain Climb – August 2015
The annual “birthday climb” of Fall Creek Mountain, over by Feeley and Carr lakes, happened this year on 8/23. We had ten participants, and everyone made it to the top followed by a refreshing swim in Island Lake afterwards. Along with Kate and I, we had Stephen & Janelle, Mike & Vicky, Nan, Patrick, Alan and Kaye. My little P&S lumix camera died before the swim so no pics of that. It was a gorgeous day and possibly the best trip yet. I have been climbing Fall Creek Mtn since 1999 and its always a new adventure.

Annual 2014 Fall Creek Mountain Climb
Well we managed to claw and scrape our way, once again, to the top of Fall Creek Mountain. Our annual birthday hike. Just to remind ourselves that we our still young enough to do it. This year we had some new people. Patrick Rodysill, and his pup Tess practically ran up, young whippersnapper as he is. Nan Patmount and Arthur Saul also joined us plus some friends of Stephen and Janelle … Art and Janet. A glorious day topped off with a swim in Island Lake at the end. Kate was in fine form as always, right near the front of the pack. It did seem a little harder this year than last. Oh well.. to be expected I guess.
Fall Creek Mountain Hike 2013
After a couple delays we finally did our annual Fall Creek Mountain hike on 9/22. It was just Stephen Bannister and Janelle and me this time. We added to the normal route by going north after the climb toward Culbertson lake and then dropped down to the Crooked Lakes Trail and back to Island Lake.
Here are photos of the trip. You can go right thru them by beginning with first one and clicking the arrows to move fwd or back.