The best time to go to Spooner lake on the east side of Lake Tahoe is the first or second week in October when the aspen are turning. This particular time we went it seemed that many trees had already turned and others were just beginning. Just wasn’t as spectacular as we’ve seen in prior years. Had a great time hiking around the lake though. Wish we had brought the dogs. Ben would have done just fine with the short hike a little less than three miles.
Author: Geoff
Quick rundown: Grew up in Lombard, Illinois, went to Arizona State University, worked as a CPA with Arthur Andersen & Co, then Laventhal and Horwath, then Rolling Stones, then Heron International, then Goodby Berlin and Silverstein in San Francisco. Moved to the foothills in 1990 and traded futures and designed websites. Married to Kate Stewart, now living in Colfax, CA. We have six grandchildren. I enjoy camping in our RV, hiking, kayaking, fishing, droning and cross country skiing Also conga drumming, photography and dogs.
View all posts by Geoff
Beautiful colored trees which we never see in the desert.
We only have special multi-colored cacti.Too bad the LDS
didn’t plant some Aspen & Oak along with the cacti.
Keep up the great photos & dialog, I love them Geoff.
Take care Mr P, just love your work. Someday, please
come over to Monument Valley , Utah.
Your dear bro George in Las Lasvegas.